This list could (and does) go on forever, but I have narrowed it down to a select few. And, because I’m home for winter break and there is absolutely nothing to do in this godforsaken town except watch TV and get drunk, these thoughts naturally led me to wonder about all the fictional characters I’ve been spending so much time watching. With all this talk of the end of the world, I’ve had plenty of time to think about all the men things I wish I could have done before we all face inevitable doom. I’d let him call me Your Worshipfulness any day Tags: 1%, Broke, Buzzfeed, college, commericals, education, Facebook, Flo, Graduated, I, Lord of the Rings, LOTR, McDonald's, money, Moonwalk, One Dollar, Pauly Shore, Progressive, real job, Religious Debate, scholarship, sexy, stranger, student, Water Fountain

So, naturally, I’ve compiled a list of things I would do for $1: This is the situation I’m currently in, and it has left me both broke and bored. Which kinda sucks, especially if your “real job” hasn’t started yet. Unfortunately, once you graduate, they expect you to pay those back. Unless you’re lucky enough to get a full ride scholarship (smart asses) or your parents are paying for all of your school (rich bitches), you’ve probably taken out a student loan or two to pay for your totally-worth-$50K-a-year education. But that’s not what this article is about. It’s great and terrible at the same time.

As you may have ascertained from my previous posts about college, I recently graduated.